How to Print ZPL or CPCL codes directly vis USB

r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
183 1 0

Hi my printer model is a Zebra TL2844 connected to a Windows 8, i am developer and print from Delphi or Visual Basic, i generate the report (labels with code bars), in print preview, of course i can send directly to printer via report (no preview) but not like me use the reporter, i think would exist a way for print directly the ZPL or CPCL codes, directly to usb printer, how to?
can anyone share with me C# and Java(with a Servlet) code for test?
my label:


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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Miguel,
Do you just want to print or get full communication to the printer?  If you just want to print, you should be able to use the Windows spooler library to send data directly to the printer.  See the Microsoft article here for full C# or VB code on doing this.  We have an example java applet for printing here. 

If you want full communication, it is harder.  Full communication requires you to find the printer via specific Windows USB and HID libraries, then essentially create a filestream to the device address.  We do have a library to help, but it is currently only available to ISV partners here. 

Are you trying to print via a website to USB?


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