I am writing an RFID reader using Jetpack Compose and the top trigger button which is set to read RFID seems to focus on the first focusable element on my screen. Is there a way to prevent this behaviour? I am using the datawedge intent API.
RFD40 RFID trigger changing focus on Android Jetpack Compose App using DataWedge intent API// Expert user has replied. |
1 Replies
I cannot Speak to Jetpack Compose - And how it is using the Intent API in general.
But I would suggest a few things:
Starting here: https://techdocs.zebra.com/datawedge
Development Samples here: https://techdocs.zebra.com/datawedge/latest/guide/samples/
And this Git Repo for these same Samples here: https://github.com/ZebraDevs/DataWedge-Android-Samples
Because I suggest the "Profile0" to be disabled - then when you work on the Datawedge profile for Jetpack - and your profile is correctly assigned to send its intent to that app - then you can also get the Read Events and manage these as you see fit.
The RFID capture can also be turned on in this profile (You can disable the Barcode Capture - and turn on the RFID Capture.)
( FYI - on RFD40 / RFD90 - the "Scan Trigger" Can be setup to be usable for "Barcode Scanning" and the RFID Trigger can be setup for RFID Scanning.) - I tested this on TC27+RFD40 via eConnex Sled. And BasicIntent1 - captures both barcode and RFID Data.