My company has an enterprise application that starts in Kiosk Mode.
When we start a foreground service / service in android the Service notification is shown and the user can click on it and then eventually disable/uninstall the application.
Is there a way to not show the notification? Or even another way of starting the foreground service?
7 Replies
Have you tried the following: mBuilder.setOngoing(true); ?
On devices with MX 11.3 or later, notifications can be controlled in whole or individually by app:
I also recommend checking the EHS Security Notes section for additional info about user access to notifications:
Thank you very much!
Are there examples of using
I also saw that setting the importance of the notification to low does not show it, BUT does that effect the lifetime of the service?
If the Application would be killed by Android for using to much resources or it stopping the service.
Please clarify what you mean by "lifetime of the service."
I will ask engineering for samples. If provided, they will be posted at:
Thank you!
Notification Manager XML samples are posted:
I hope you find them helpful.