I have a barcode which gets it's value from an excel db
the value is 050/AS/4B/
now I want concate this value which is also from the excel Db
the value is like 00001
so when when I want to print for example 4 labels
each page should look like this
page 1 = 050/AS/4B/00001
page 2 = 050/AS/4B/00002
Page 3 = 050/AS/4B/00003
Page 4 = 050/AS/4B/00004
Below is the VB script I wrote.
but in the barcode view I get false
barcodeValue = [Sheet1$.BARCODE]
' Retrieve the current SERIALNo value from the database
serialNumber = [Sheet1$.SerialNo]
' Convert serialNumber to a number, increment it
nextSerialNumber = CInt(serialNumber) + 1
' Format the serial number with leading zeros (adjust "5" to the desired length)
nextSerialNumber = Right("00000" & nextSerialNumber, 5)
' Concatenate barcodeValue and nextSerialNumber
combinedValue = barcodeValue & " " & nextSerialNumber
' Assign the combined value to the output variable
Value = combinedValue
ZebraDesigner VB Script |
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