ZQ610 Wireless Configuration

// Expert user has replied.
I Ian Ferguson 3 years 4 months ago
3376 19 0

I'm just getting started with a project requiring the use of label printers and we were hoping to use the Zebra ZQ610 to do so.

For complete simplicity right now, I was hoping to connect one of these to my home network (working from home). I've been using the Zebra Setup Utilities on Windows to configure it.

I go through what appears to be the correct sequence of events but my ZQ610 never seems to get assigned an IP nor does it give me any indication that it's even attempting a connection to the network (e.g. no blinking antenna as suggested in the user guide)

When I cycle through the network settings on the printer, it shows the ESSID as I entered, but doesn't appear to let me change "Primary Network" from anything but "Wired".

Am I missing something really obvious. Should it be possible for me to get a ZQ610 connected to a normal wireless router via DHCP without any extra hardware?

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19 Replies

S Steven Si

ZQ610 supports 802.11ac Wi-Fi. I've a ZQ610 printer connected to my home Wi-Fi right now. When using the Printer Setup Utility for Windows tool to configure the printer's Wi-Fi, it should take you through the steps to the completion without any issues.

From what you described, it looks like the Primary Network is set to the wired, instead of the wireless. To change the setting, just press the up or the down arrow to cycle through the wired and the wireless options. You may be prompted for entering the passcode, which is 1234 by default. Once the passcode is entered, you should be able to see the wireless option. 

S Steve Marshall

I'm having the same issue. I cannot get the printer to allow me to switch to the wireless option and so it will not connect. I would also mention that when submitting the settings through the setup utility...it has a config line for the wireless set to "off." I can't change that either before the settings get sent.
Any help is appreciated.

Below is the list of things being sent to printer with the WLAN set to "off"

! U1 setvar "ip.dhcp.enable" "on"
! U1 setvar "wlan.ip.protocol" "dhcp"
! U1 setvar "wlan.essid" "PPStaff_2.4G"
! U1 setvar "wlan.leap_mode" "off"
! U1 setvar "wlan.kerberos.mode" "off"
! U1 setvar "wlan.encryption_mode" "off"
! U1 setvar "wlan.8021x.enable" "off"
! U1 setvar "wlan.operating_mode" "infrastructure"
! U1 setvar "wlan.allowed_band" "all"
! U1 setvar "wlan.international_mode" "off"
! U1 setvar "wlan.wpa.authentication" "psk"
! U1 setvar "wlan.wpa.enable" "on"
! U1 setvar "wlan.wpa.psk" "500FB3F4215650E3F5CFFB4A8EC6553FF22F352A72B5C4A675EBC08C6049D248"
! U1 do "device.reset" ""

S Steven Si

Not sure how you got the above SGD commands. It's recommended to use the Printer Setup Utility on Windows or the Setup Utility app for Android or iOS to configure the printer's Wi-Fi. If you use the Printer Setup Utility for Windows, for example, to configure the printer's Wi-Fi, the configuration commands sent to the printer consist of ZPL and SGD, which looks like something in below. If you still cannot configure the printer's Wi-Fi with the Setup Utility, then check if the printer has the Wi-Fi equipped, by look for the Wi-Fi log on the printer or on the label of the bottom of the printer.

! U1 setvar "wlan.international_mode" "off"
! U1 setvar "wlan.allowed_band" "all"
! U1 do "device.reset" ""


I Ian Ferguson

Apologies, I managed to miss the original reply to this.

I figured my issue out a while back and it was indeed caused by my printer not actually being wifi equipped. I hadn't realised that they came in quite so many flavours! No WiFi logo on it. The printer setup making it look like it should work added to the confusion.

Thanks for your reply!

S Steve Marshall

apparently i'm in the same boat. The windows utility is what generated all of that and Link OS definitely shows the WLAN settings and I was able to connect to the IP address when adding a printer in windows(or so i thought). So...i'm not really sure where to go from here. I see no wifi logo...only bluetooth.

I Ian Ferguson

Yep sounds the same as me. All the WiFi settings appear in LinkOS, but have no effect. Try running the following command it should confirm whether you have a wifi module installed.

! U1 getvar "device.feature.802_11ac"

S Steven Si

Run the SGD below on WLAN to retrieve the Wi-Fi related settings.

! U1 getvar "wlan"

If the wlan.enable with the "on" and "off" options, and the wlan.mac_addr with a MAC address in the output, then the printer has the Wi-Fi. Otherwise, it doesn't have the Wi-Fi. What's the printer model? If it's a ZQ610, it definitely has the Wi-Fi.

wlan.enable : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.mac_addr : ac:3f:a4:e2:54:22 


I Ian Ferguson

I have a ZQ610 and it 100% does NOT have the WiFi module. This was confirmed by zebra who checked my serial number.

e.g. this zq610 doesn't have WiFi

this zq610 does

S Steven Si

Thanks for the clarification. I had a wrong impression that all Link-OS mobile printers had Wi-Fi, which is no longer true.

S Steve Marshall

I'm going to check mine tomorrow when I get back to the office. I'm leaning toward it being wifi-less. I'll run the scripts and see what I find out.

S Steve Marshall

This is response I got:

wlan.operating_mode : infrastructure , Choices: ad hoc,infrastructure
wlan.essid : dcrwifi
wlan.current_essid :
wlan.station_name : ZEBRA
wlan.current_tx_rate : 1.0
wlan.associated : no
wlan.leap_mode : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.leap_username :

S Steven Si

It's an incomplete output due to the timeout. You need to increase the timeout to the max, via the options, or use the SGD on wlan.mac_addr directly.

! U1 getvar "wlan.mac_addr"

S Steve Marshall

this is the response for that script:

wlan.leap_password : *
wlan.power_save : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.preamble : long , Choices: long,short
wlan.bssid : 00:00:00:00:00:00
wlan.firmware_version : 15.68.19.p59
wlan.signal_strength : 0
wlan.poor_signal_threshold : 0 , Choices: 0-100
wlan.international_mode : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.roam.signal : 40 , Choices: 1-75
wlan.roam.interval : 5 , Choices: 5-255
wlan.roam.interchannel_delay : 400 , Choices: 10-30000
wlan.roam.max_chan_scan_time : 100 , Choices: 10-500
wlan.roam.rssi : 80 , Choices: 60-125
wlan.roam.max_fail : 10 , Choices: 2-75
wlan.roam.monitor : off , Choices: off,print,serial,file
wlan.channel_mask : 0x7FF , Choices: 14 bits
wlan.channel :
wlan.wpa.enable : on , Choices: off,on
wlan.wpa.authentication : psk , Choices: psk,leap,peap,eap-tls,ttls,fast
wlan.wpa.psk : *
wlan.wpa.wpa_version : none
wlan.wpa.groupkey_ciphersuite : NONE
wlan.wpa.pairwise_ciphersuite : NONE
wlan.wpa.timecheck : yes , Choices: yes,no
wlan.8021x.enable : wpa , Choices: off,on,wpa
wlan.8021x.authentication : psk , Choices: psk,leap,peap,eap-tls,ttls,fast
wlan.8021x.ttls_tunnel : pap , Choices: pap,chap,mschap,mschapv2
wlan.8021x.peap.peap_username :
wlan.8021x.peap.peap_password : *
wlan.8021x.peap.privkey_password : *
wlan.8021x.peap.validate_server_certificate : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.8021x.peap.anonymous_identity :
wlan.8021x.eap.username :
wlan.8021x.eap.password : *
wlan.8021x.eap.privkey_password : *
wlan.adhocchannel : 1 , Choices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,36,40,44,48,149,153,157,161,165
wlan.adhocautomode : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.enable : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.encryption_optional : no , Choices: yes,no
wlan.secure_ssid : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.addr :
wlan.ip.netmask :
wlan.ip.gateway :
wlan.ip.port : 6101
wlan.ip.arp_interval : 0 , Choices: 0-30
wlan.ip.dhcp.requests_per_session : 2 , Choices: 1-10
wlan.ip.dhcp.request_timeout : 2 , Choices: 2-30
wlan.ip.dhcp.session_interval : 10 , Choices: 0-60
wlan.ip.dhcp.lease.length : 0
wlan.ip.dhcp.lease.time_left : 0
wlan.ip.dhcp.lease.server :
wlan.ip.dhcp.lease.last_attempt : 0
wlan.ip.dhcp.cache_ip : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_type : 1 , Choices: 0,1,2
wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_prefix :
wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_enable : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_suffix : 48a493586ed2
wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_all : 48a493586ed2
wlan.ip.dhcp.option12 : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.dhcp.option12_format :
wlan.ip.dhcp.option12_value : ZQ610
wlan.ip.dhcp.arp_verify : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.dhcp.required : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.protocol : dhcp , Choices: all,bootp,dhcp,dhcp and bootp,gleaning only,rarp,permanent
wlan.ip.default_addr_enable : on , Choices: off,on,saved_ip
wlan.ip.timeout.enable : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.timeout.value : 300 , Choices: 1-3600
wlan.ip.dns.domain :
wlan.ip.dns.servers :
wlan.ip.wins.addr :
wlan.ip.wins.permanent_source : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.ip.port_alternate : 9100
wlan.ip.port_json_config : 9200
wlan.keep_alive.enable : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.keep_alive.timeout : 15 , Choices: 5-300
wlan.security : wpa psk , Choices: none,eap-tls,eap-ttls,eap-fast,peap,leap,wpa psk,wpa eap-tls,wpa eap-ttls,wpa eap-fast,wpa peap,wpa leap
wlan.private_key_password : *
wlan.username :
wlan.password : *
wlan.mac_addr : 48:a4:93:58:6e:d2
wlan.mac_raw : 48a493586ed2
wlan.11n.greenfield : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.11n.short_gi_40mhz : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11n.short_gi_20mhz : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11n.rifs : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11n.20mhz_only : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11n.amsdu : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.region_code : usa/canada
wlan.country_code : usa/canada , Choices: usa/canada
wlan.user_channel_list : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,36,40,44,48 , Choices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,144,149,153,157,161,165,all
wlan.allowed_band : all , Choices: 2.4,5,all
wlan.waveagent.enable : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.waveagent.udp_port : 18100 , Choices: 1-64000
wlan.permitted_channels : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,144,149,153,157,161,165
wlan.active_channels : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,36,40,44,48
wlan.11d.enable : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11d.current_country : not available
wlan.11d.discovered_channels : not available
wlan.authenticated : no
wlan.available : no
wlan.authentication_error : none
wlan.regulatory_data_version : 1.68
wlan.rts_cts_enabled : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11ac.short_gi_80mhz : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11ac.ldpc : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11ac.stbc : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.11ac.80mhz_enable : on , Choices: on,off
wlan.pmf : enabled , Choices: disabled,enabled,required
wlan.band_preference : none , Choices: 2.4,5,none

S Steven Si

Your printer has the Wi-Fi equipped, but it is turned off. See the following in the output above.
wlan.enable : off , Choices: on,off
wlan.mac_addr : 48:a4:93:58:6e:d2
We need to turn on the Wi-Fi first by sending the following SGD to the printer. Then reset the printer to take the changes into effect.
! U1 setvar "wlan.enable" "on"


S Steve Marshall

Is that command supposed to give me any response other than the MAC address?
Assuming that's the only response I should get...I still can't toggle the wifi on using LinkOS

S Steven Si

Unlike the getvar command, the setvar doesn't give a response. A getvar can be issued immediately after a setvar to check if the value is set. So you can send a getvar on "wlan.enable" to confirm if it's set to "on".

S Steve Marshall

response is "off"

S Steven Si

Looks like your printer doesn't have the Wi-Fi, even though it appears to show the Wi-Fi MAC address and appears to give the option to set the wlan.enable to "on". hmm.

After taking another look at the output of the wlan SGD, i saw this line in the response.

wlan.available : no

Sorry, your printer doesn't have the Wi-Fi. Apologize that I didn't catch that at the first.

S Steve Marshall

Had a feeling that was the case but I wanted to go the distance to see for sure. Thanks for the suggestions and expertise.

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