Zebra TC75x Scanner is reading partial bar codes on some occasions when part of the bar code is hidden. We are using EMDK version 4.0. The device's Android version is 7.x.
If we set the expected barcode length(s) in the Scanner config object as shown below, then it is working fine for barcodes of the length specified.
ScannerConfig config = scanner.GetConfig();
ScannerConfig.DecoderParameters.I2of5Decoder i2of5Decoder = config.DecoderParams.I2of5;
i2of5Decoder.Enabled = true;
i2of5Decoder.Length1 = 10;
i2of5Decoder.Length2 = 10;
But the problem is that we need to support scanning of different lengths of Interleaved2of5 barcode (like 5, 6, 10, 13).
Doesn't the scanner (or firmware) have a way of making sure that the front and end portions of the barcode are visible before a scan result is returned? Also don't Interleaved2of5 barcodes don't have a way to let scanners detect/correct errors?
Thank you.
Zebra Scanner is reading partial bar codes on some occasions when part of the bar code is hidden |
1 Replies
Hi, I2of5 barcodes are inherantly prone to partial decodes due to the nature of the decoder. You might try specifying 'redundancy' as true, https://techdocs.zebra.com/emdk-for-android/7-4/api/reference/com/symbo… will force the reader to read the barcode twice before decoding or set the check digit if appropriate.