TC200J TC20 Scan Button do Page back in Browsers like Firefox or Chrome

J Josef Hietl 3 years 10 months ago
132 1 0

Hello Everyone!
I have a Problem with the TC200J
Everytime we press the left Scan Key (or the middle one) the scanner sends also a "BACK" command. So you cannot use the Scanner on Web based Application.
The scanner do every time a browser back function and did not stay on the side. (The right Button do a Browser forward)
This behaviour is in chrome and in firefox.
What can I do to deactivate this function?
The older Models of TC20 dont do this an work as expected.
The newer one (MD: Feb 2020) have a new Wedge Menue and have the described behavior.
But i dont know how to deactivate this function.
I hope somebody can help me out.

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1 Replies

E Evert Verzeele

I have the same issue, in the key programmer there is only BUTTON_L1 bound to LEFT_TRIGGER_1 and BUTTON_R1 bound to RIGHT_TRIGGER_2.
Any update on this?

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