Zebra OEMConfig is an administrative tool for configuring Zebra Android devices using Android Managed Configurations.
OEMConfig provides a single interface for managing Zebra Android devices regardless of the underlying APIs required to get the job done. OEMConfig works through Android Enterprise APIs when possible, and through Managed Configurations when no Android Enterprise API is available.
To configure a feature for which no Android Enterprise API is available, the use of Managed Configurations is the only available method based on publicly available specifications developed by Google and the Android community. OEMConfig interfaces with Zebra's Mobility Extensions Management System (known simply as MX), an XML-based communication framework for managing the capabilities and behaviors of Zebra Android devices.
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UPDATED BY: Richard Venderbosch - 3 years 3 months ago


UPDATED BY: Darryn Campbell - 4 years 10 months ago