Hello Forum peopleHas anyone experienced the "malformed response" error from printer status checking as per the code below..?ZebraPrinter printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getLinkOsPrinter(connection);…
Currently, I am engaged in the development of an Android app utilizing .NET Maui.However, I am encountering an issue with my Zebra ZQ320 Plus printer, which is currently running Link OS.The problem…
Hi all,Newbie here for developing with Zebra mobile receipt printers.I am looking for some clarification as Zebra support didn't provide it.I have an app in Windows Forms C# .NET which needs to print…
Can we get zone data from ATR7000 series, using LLRP connect. If yes, how to enable it, cause the ReadEventData.TagData.TagZoneInfo is null in tag read event by default, I am able to get…
Hey there guys!I have been trying to develop an Android application to read SmartTap Passes from both Google Wallet and Apple Wallet. I'm using the device TC22 alongside the VAS SDK from Zebra itself…
I'm attempting to get the printer's status by issuing a HTTP POST in PowerShell:$ZPL = '~HS'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method Post -Body $ZPLWhile the response is 200,…
I'm using PowerShell to send ZPL to a ZD421. Sending the ZPL works correctly, but I'm unable to get a response ($reader.ReadToEnd() line).Here's the code:function Out-ZplPrinter {
Hi,I am developing a label printing application using the Zebra.Printing.Sdk nuget package to connect to my ZD421 printers. The SDK is compiled for .net8.0-windows10.0.19041, could anyone identify…
Hello, I am trying to generate ZPL from image. But this is very difficult.oes Link OS provide a function to convert images to ZPL?When I have looked at the website, there is a place that converted…
Hello,I can't print cards with portrait orientation with Zebra ZXP series 7 device.Only way i see in sdk doc, ZMotifGraphics.ImageOrientationEnum should be setted while initialiazing graphics…