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Required ESN - Device Serial number on Android 13. Below are the application-related specifications we are currently using. compileSdk: 35minSdk: 29targetSdk: 34We have already tried the…
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Hey there guys!I have been trying to develop an Android application to read SmartTap Passes from both Google Wallet and Apple Wallet. I'm using the device TC22 alongside the VAS SDK from Zebra itself…
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Overview   If you’re not familiar with OEMInfo, this is a service that has been introduced by Zebra a couple of years ago when Google decided with Android 10 to limit how applications can obtain…
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Hello there, I've encountered some issues regarding the OEMInfo Content Provider. I am trying to read the bluetooth MAC of a TC21. For that I am using the code examples provided by this site: https…
Forum topic
Hello there, I've encountered some issues regarding the OEMInfo Content Provider. I am trying to read the bluetooth MAC of a TC21. For that I am using the code examples provided by this site: https…
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According to the documentation for OS updates on products on the SDM660, the OS update status is stored in the OEMInfo content provider and applications can use the OEMInfo content provider to fetch…
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This session will cover the process of exporting raw XML from StageNow, testing it on a Zebra device using a simple helper utility and subsequently deploying to a device via the OEMConfig feature now…