Application migraticonsiderationson from Windows CE to Windows Mobile 6

P Philippe Piemont 3 years 9 months ago
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Hi all, One of my customers is working for ages with WINDOWS CE products (GOTIVE, Motorola, Intermec) the application developped works well for instance with the MC3090 CE50 To be Hardware independant the customer is not using our SDK to drive the scanner (he uses Datawedge 3.1) or to access the WLAN (fusion is configured manually by the partner) and so on... Today the tests are showing that the performance of the application when it runs on a MC55 WM6.1 are much lower than on a MC3090 CE 5.0. Can you give me the points to consider in order to increase the performances of an application when it is migrated from CE to WM6.1? So that I can support my customer. Thank you all Regards

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