Looking for MCD references in airports/airlines

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r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
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Team, I'm looking for references in the area of airports and/or airlines ground services, airplane/airfield mainenance and similar. For some reason I'm unable to find any case studies on the subject so any pointers are highly welcome. Thanks, Valery

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5 Replies

E Eric Liner

Talk to Luke Stutler and Dick Didier about American Airlines.  Thx

T Tariq Hasan

Emirates Airlines - MC70 for refuelling of their vehicals. Emirates Airlines - MC9090 for Cargo management at their cargo division - Sky Cargo. Qatar Airport - MC9090 - Baggage Reconciliation Bahrain Airport - MC9090 - Baggage Reconciliation Abu Dhabi Airport - MC9090 - Baggage Reconciliation

r roberto cottone

In India top operators like Kingfisher, jet and Indgo airlines uses MC70 for the issue of Boarding paases. On Airports baagage reconsillation opertions works. Sanjay

R Roland Rozsa

Valery BCS Hungary sold to Budapest Airport MC9090 for luggage  sorting per destination. regards, Roland

K Kurt Fetscher

MC9090 @ Vienna Airport for baggage reconstillation system. And one of the best references is Prague Airport which has nearly everything from us. MCD, ADC, MSP, EWLAN, RFManager and Airdefense. Kurt

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