I am trying to retrieve a WINS SERVER address with fusion API in C with the new fusion 2.55 driver. I am using Symbol Mobility Toolkit for C 1.4 (I can't use recent EMDK, this is an ten years old software we can't rewrite ....).
I have found a structure "FAPI_PROFILE" who contains the WINS but i can't retreive it, there is none api command to retreive this data.
If anyone have a clues, thank you by advance.
PS : Sorry for grammar, english is not my primary language.
Function used on :
- MC9094 WM5
- Fusion 2.55
/// Retourne l'adresse WINS a l'aide du driver FUSION
bool GetWINSADRESSByFusion(char* sAdresse)
DWORD dwResult;
DWORD dwAPIIdentifier;
DWORD dwAdapterHandle;
bool bResult = false;
DWORD dwResult;
FAPI_AdapterStat fapiAdapterStat;
FAPI_PROFILE fapiProfile;
strcpy(sAdresse, "");
if (!FUSION_LoadAPILibrary())
strcpy(sMsg, "Erreur FUSION_LoadAPILibrary !");
dwResult = lpfn_OpenFusionAPI(
&g_hInstFusionDLL,//&dwFusionAPIHandle, // Handle to the Fusion API context
COMMAND_MODE, // A Wireless LAN adapter type
_T("FusionAPI") // Friendly name of the process accessing this API
if (dwResult != FAPI_SUCCESS)
strcpy(sMsg, "Erreur lpfn_OpenFusionAPI !");
dwAdapterHandle = FusionSampleFindFirstWLANAdapter();
if (dwAdapterHandle == 0)
strcpy(sMsg, "Erreur FusionSampleFindFirstWLANAdapter !");
dwResult = lpfn_CommandFusionAPI( ); // Command name for extract Wins Address IP (Primary or Secondary)
if( dwResult == FAPI_SUCCESS )
// We extract Wins Address
bResult = true;
} else {
bResult =false;
// How to call FAPI_PROFILE structure ?
dwResult = lpfn_CloseFusionAPI (g_hInstFusionDLL); // Handle to an opened Fusion API context
return bResult;
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