MC1000 used as a mass storage device

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G Glenn Sayer 3 years 10 months ago
2 3 0

My customer wants to access the MC1000 as a mass storage device or as a standard usb device that doesn't require any special drivers to be loaded on the host PC.  Can this be done?


The application is a simple inventory application that their customers use (very small retail) to do order entry.  They don’t want the customer to install any more software on their PC then needed and don’t want to use Activesync.  The thought was to access the MC1000 as a standard mass storage device to retrieve the data off of it or use some other type of usb data transfer service.


Any and help appreciated.

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3 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

There's a software called "Softick Card Export" It if used in our more recent OS images as "USB Mode" applet. It will allow you to access your SD card in MC1000 as USB Flash. It doesn't allow you to access the internal filesystem, because of some CE file locking issues that could lead to corrupted files (as developers explained to me). Hope this helps.

G Glenn Sayer

The Softick software is exactly what is was looking for thanks.  It took a couple tries of the different versions to get it working.

Thanks Arsen

S Stephen Zachmann

Are you looking for OTG support? This has been investigated as a Custom Product CPR 6598 Software and hardware changes are need to support OTG USB

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