timestamp data displayed differently

// Expert user has replied.
A Amy Pennica 3 years 10 months ago
10 1 0

Hi, Can I please have your help with an issue I am working on with a customer...? Customer has an application that they are using a timestamp to identify when the barcode was scanned (.net application). They run the exact same application on two MT devices. On one MT the time is displayed using the 24 hour clock on another it is showing as the 12 hour clock with AM and PM... how could that be? Is there a way to change that through the registry or are we setting that in a configuration file?

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1 Replies

M Mike Faith

I don't think there is a config file to control this and I don't think we give access to this setting through the UI.   Typically these settings are configured through the control panel and saved in the registry. 

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