Using MC55 PTT Button?

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R Robert Galvin 3 years 10 months ago
2 3 0

Looking to identify customers who are using the MC55 PTT button in their application. Also if they are planning to migrate to the MC65 when it becomes available. Please respond ASAP if u know of any customers. Thanks

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3 Replies

r roberto cottone

Rob,  I can't give specific names of customers but in EMEA we have been promoting the use of the PTT key on the MC55/75/70 to developers for some time as a means of either launching an application or generating a keycode such as Enter. I think that it is one of our differentiating features and it would therefore be good to keep this facility in the MC65 also. Best Regards, Ian Hatton

D Don Khan

Rob,        Air Canada tested, and had intended to deploy, HipVoice as a PTT solution.  This PTT application utilized the PTT button on the MC55.  They had some challenges with the WiFi at the GTAA (Pearson Airport), thus, the PTT solution was put on hold until the WiFi changes were implemented. I will look into other deployments of HipVoice, or alternate use for the PTT button on the MC55. Don

R Robert Galvin

Just to clarify we are looking for customers/partners that use the PTT button on the MC55 but not for VOIP/TEAM purposes. Please repsond with their name and how the button is being used. We need this information to properly make a decision on some bug mitigiation in the MC65.


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