How do you coexist with a competing system?

C Craig Burgess 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

This is from a current 320 customer and I need the official answer: My apologies if this is a dumb question, but how is the 320 timed?  Can it be frame calculated in a WiMAX way?  Can it be timed with other transmitters on different sites?


We are now frequency coordinating with a competitor.  He is using the 320 and I though that was actually good news.


Are there any interference tool in the 320 bag?

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1 Replies

B Bruce Collins

Two different PMP320 systems will be synchronized if they are both using GPS sync with a CMM4 and they have the same channel bandwidth and uplink/downlink ratios. Further cooperation between side by side systems will have to use one of the following strategies (common with other unlicensed products): 1. use narrower channel sizes 2. reduce the tx power on the AP's 3. use alternating channels as AP's face each other 4. tilt AP antennas down In the future we will have support for the upper 3.65GHz which will open up an additional 25MHz of spectrum.  Note, however, that the upper 25MHz is subject to contention rules and two competing systems won't be able to operate on the same channel as they will cause contention as restarting of the sectors (similar to DFS behavior).  So the upper 3.65GHz primarily provides more space to cooperate in but won't enable truly allow coexistence on the same channel.

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