MC3090 CE5 Bluetooth Registry Cold Boot Persist

K Kheen Gamboa 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

Hi, Scenario: MC3090 CE5 paired with RS507 via bluetooth running Wavelink Problem: Bluetooth will not stay on "ON" state after a cold boot despite of registry below [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Hardware] "Bluetooth"=dword:00000009 My temporary solution: App Center to autolaunch BTexplorer which then enable the bluetooth and then set to "Hidden to USer" Problem is when BTexplorer launches you are presented with a few options which I dont want the user(s) to tamper with. How do I make the Bluetooth to stay "ON" and persist through cold boots. Thanks

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2 Replies

K Kheen Gamboa

Thanks for the suggested solution but attempt to try this on MC9090CE5 does not work. I will attempt on MC3090 CE5 when I get a hold off one.

D Danny Diaz

Put this file in Application folder. That's all that you need

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