DevCentral tool overview and training

S Sunil A 3 years 10 months ago
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HI all, This is first of several overview / training sessions for North America folks...more will be announced for NA and other regions. See Info below: Please join the Goto Webinar: Date: 9/15/2010 Time: 10AM CST Audio: 1-877-825-8522 pin 4843810 Responses from the Survey - Conventional SME background and needs highlighted a need for an overview of the DevCentral tool ( that is being used. Rob Galvin has graciously offered training sessions to overview DevCentral for the group. He will start with sessions targeted for North America, and then setup additional sessions for the rest of the regions (i.e., LACR, AsiaPac, & EMEA). I encourage all to attend one of the training sessions being setup, so that you are aware of the capabilities of DevCentral. Even though the current pilot of DevCentral is focused on ASTRO 25 7.9 System Release, this mechanism will be formally launched to the rest of your organizations for other topics, and you will be the first ones exposed & experienced in DevCentral. This is first of several actions resulting from the survey. Thanks for your participation. Best, Sunil Anantharaman

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