LS4278 coexist with Draeger Infinity M300

S Steven Veverka 3 years 10 months ago
3 0 0

Our customer already has 400 LS4278. They're looking to add 100 more LS4278 and to deploy Draeger Infinity M300. Prior to deploying the Draeger M300, GTRI conducted a site survey. The survey results showed contention in the 2.4 GHz band, and they're attributing this to the LS4278 Bluetooth. They're saying that the LS4278 and M300 deployment won't be approved until we clean up the Bluetooth noise in the 2.4 band.  Also note, the M300 only does 802.11b/g. Any suggestions on how the LS4278 and Draeger M300 can coexist?  Or maybe a competitive product to the M300?

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