ODIN Benchmark on RFID Handhelds

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A Arsen Bandurian 3 years 10 months ago
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Hello, Team. ODIN has recently released a new benchmark on Handheld RFID readers. http://odintechnologies.com/rfid-benchmarks-handheld-readers http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/view/7857/ From the tagline: Does the Motorola MC3090-Z RFID Reader Match the Hype The eight handheld RFID readers evaluated in the Benchmark include: * Motorola MC3090-Z (FCC) * Motorola MC3190-Z (ETSI) *(name may change before official launch) * Intermec IP30 (FCC) * Intermec IP30 (ETSI) * CSL CS101 * Unitech RH767 * MacSema PCE 4050 * Symbol MC9000 (FCC model also included in 2005 Benchmark) So, does anybody have the results? I'm dying to find out! :)

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2 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

Indeed, he does! :) So, there were two categories - distance and "being able to pick up a reader no matter where it is positioned". Two winners per category. In both categories MC3x90-Z was qualified as a winner! MC3x90-Z Received a lot of praise in the end: The Motorola MC3090-Z lives up to the hype. The combination antenna is an excellent combination of read distance and orientation insensitivity. The unit is lightweight and ergonomically designed. The unit is durable enough to easily fit within a warehouse/factory setting and stylish enough to not look out of place in a customer-facing or office environment. It is also very reasonably priced. It is the Wyatt Earp of the RFID Handheld reader Shootout, with all others living in its shadow. For more details - please refer to Manpreet, as he asked to NOT DISTRIBUTE OUTSIDE OF MOTOROLA.

P Prashant Bhamidipati

Hi Arsen, You can check with Manpreet Singh ( manpreet.singh@motorola.com). He should have a copy. Thank you, Prashant

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