Telephone Interconnect

P Peter Eyre 3 years 10 months ago
2 4 0

Are there any plans for telephone interconnect in a K series system? What about connected directly to standalone repeater (similar to the current Zetron Model 30 Worldpatch)?

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4 Replies

P Peter Eyre

How is telephone interconnect ordered in a K-series system on the REC tool? I'm not sure there is an option for it.

R Ruth Williams

I have been trying to post a correction.  The message should have said "is NOT supported"

P Peter Eyre

Ok thanks. Understood.

R Ruth Williams

At this time Telephone Interconnect is supported in the ASTRO 25 Conventional solution (on either the M or K core solutions).  There are no plans to develop a solution that would interface directly to a repeater.

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