Datawedge Error

// Expert user has replied.
C Charles Zabroski 3 years 10 months ago
120 7 0

Has anyone seen the following error in Datawedge 3.2.4: Error  : Scanner : SCN1: Failed to get supported RSM attribute count. Error=a0000012 Error  : Scanner : SCN1: Scanning failed. Error : a000001d . If so do you know the cause or fix?

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7 Replies

D Dennis Loong

are you able to pinpoint where I should check?  The utility provided by partner has nothing to do with Datawedge at all. Below is the code provided by partner

    Public Shared Sub KernelIoControl( _

    ByVal dwIoControlCode As Long, _

    ByVal lpInBuf() As Integer, _

    ByVal nInBufSize As Long, _

    ByVal lpOutBuf() As Byte, _

    ByVal nOutBufSize As Byte, _

    ByRef lpBytesReturned As Integer)


End Sub

Private Sub ResetUnit()


Dim bytesReturned As Integer = 0

Dim IOCTL_HAL_REBOOT As Long = &H101003C

Dim InBuf() As Integer

Dim OutBuf() As Byte


KernelIoControl(IOCTL_HAL_REBOOT, InBuf, 0, OutBuf, 0, bytesReturned)


End Sub

K KAKD Jayasuriya

This code segment is to reboot the device. Either this application or some other application prevent datawedge from start scanning.

You need to first find out which application uses the scanner. One thing you can pay your attention is,  user can scan BT address barcode to pair the printer. if user can scan the BT address barcode and pair the printer when DataWedge is not running,  this utility access scanner. Otherwise , some other application access the scanner. 

R Roman Woloszczuk

The first error you will normally get on a device in which the scanner does not support RSM attributes. Only a few scanners like the RS507 support RSM attributes. This is more of a notification than an error and in most cases can be ignored.

The second error is a "read request was cancelled" notification, which most often occurs when the DataWedge profile switching feature disables the scanner; i.e. the profile applied to the foreground application is disabling the scanner.

D Dennis Loong

Hi, I have similar log captured below in MC75A,  this happened when it was reboot by a simple software. 
2009/01/01 02:58:41 Error  : Scanner : SCN1: Failed to get supported RSM attribute count. Error=a0000012

2010/20/12 10:55:11 Error  : Scanner : SCN1: Scanning failed. Error : a000001d.

2010/20/12 10:53:47 Error  : Scanner : SCN1: Scanning failed. Error : a0000023. Customer is using appcenter & a simple application to pair the BT printer.  Using is required to scan the MAC address of the printer & it will force to reboot by the application.  After restart, the printer is paired & user can start printing.   Problem is, sometimes Datawedge doesn't start & user has to log out to appcenter & manually turn On Datawedge.  Sometimes, warmbooting the device also can't help but need to do cold boot.   A patch [ ] which I found has been tried but it doesn't help to solve the problem. Understand from your previous respond is because of profile switching feature, but we have not change anything & everything is by default.  Any recommendation or solution?

K KAKD Jayasuriya

According to the error a0000023, Scanner read request queue has already submitted read requests. That means,  scanner is opened by some othe application. That may be your utility.

Y Yusuf Dalal

Hi Charles: Can you include more information? What terminal did you see the issue in? Are you using the RS507 scanner or the built-in scanner? If this is the built in scanner can u include the part number so i can see what scanner the terminal has. (Sounds like this is a lorax engine). Also did you see this error on start up? Or did it happen at some other time? Thanks, Yusuf

C Charles Zabroski

Yusuf, This was on the MC3190 with the SE4500 imager.  Not sure of the timing as this was sent to me from a partner.

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