ES400 failure to connect to Verizon data network

N Nick Zeleznock 3 years 10 months ago
1 1 0

I am looking for help with an ES400 that is failing to connect to Verizon data network (Verizon authorized an account so we can test with IKON).  It fails to connect when dialing #777 just fails with connection error.  The voice works fine and can make calls.  Any help on how to troubleshoot would be appreciated.  Do we have RIL logs I can grab?

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1 Replies

M Marcus Kurath

I'm not an expert on this topic, but most of the  time I have seen that symptom it has beeen provisioning on the part of Verizon. Also keep in mind that Verizon actually operates seperate voice and data networks and it is possible to have good voice coverage and no data coverage (although this is rare) Also be sure you have configured your data parameters
Provisioning the phone

·         Data credentials

o   Username  

o   Password            vzw

o   Domain      

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