MC3190 RS232 Active Sync

// Expert user has replied.
G Glenn Sobel 3 years 10 months ago
26 12 0

1) Time/Date 10/29/10

2) Response time

3) Product MC3190

4) OS Version 2.17

5) Clarify Case # 2228781 customer wishes to ActiveSync via rs232 due to no usb on pc. Verified on my device as well, that when you go start > settings > control panel > pc connections > change connection button .. only has "USB" option no "Serial 1 115200" option like MC3090 CE 50 devices. Tried attaching serial direct connect cable to the device to see if it detects the connection to no avail. Verified same cable plugged into my comport did active sync with MC3090. Please confirm if this is by design or if SPR is needed. As per Product Plan, all MC3090's should be compatible with MC3190.

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12 Replies

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Glenn, The fix of SPR18523 is not related to ActiveSync over RS232 connection, it was written here due to other question, sorry for this confuse. About MC3190 RS232 Active Sync issue, It is working even though the device is disconnected from time to time. On WM its more stable then on CE. We also try it on other MC device (MC9100), we saw the same behavior (disconnection from time to time).   We are verifing it with platform team. Are you able to connect it?,  please read this notes, it might help, 1. Follow Eugene instruction above. 2. Notice that you also need to change the Active sync - connection setting on your PC, from USB to COM1. 3. (On CE device) You can create your own connection setting, start -> setting -> control panel ->Network and dial-up connections -> Make New Connection. Choose Direct connection, notice that any name should start with this sign - ', if its not start with ' it will not work. If its not working for you at all, you should open SPR for it.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

All, Please look at SPR 18523. We solve the power issue over there, it might also solve the RS232 connection problem. If not let me know and I will look into it.

H Howard Laser

Yosi, The registry fix attached to SPR 18523 was tried, as was the fix described by Eugene. Both were unsuccessful.

G Glenn Sobel

Please let us know if this needs to be an SPR to address this issue. Testing has been unsuccessful in all attempts to ActiveSync through RS232 tested with the fix from SPR 18523 and the RasBook_MC3100.reg file combine to no avail

E Evgene Vigoutov

sorry, can not attach the fail. will sned via the mail

G Glenn Sobel

Hi Eugene we tested your reg file and instructions here but could not get a connection. we sent the reg file to a customer and matched his results. get connected status on device, on pc activesync spins but then times out. does not connect. please assist.

H Howard Laser

Eugene, I have a TA who is working with SInbon on creating a custom cable to attach an LS3408ER scanner to the MC3190. When they open up COM1 on the MC3190, the scanner does not power on Using the same setup on the on the MC70 and MC3090  the LS3408 does power on. Can you explain why this fails, and if it is related to the same issue with the failure to Activesync?

C Carlo Angelo Padilla

I also have a customer that has the same issue, however his device is running WM6.1.  Can you please check if RS232 is supported on MC3190 WM6.1 as well?

E Evgene Vigoutov

The procedure is:


1. Copy RasBook_MC3100.reg (see attached) into /Application and open the file.

2. Select "Serial 1 115200" option (in WM: ActiveSync->Menu->Connections; in CE:Control Panel -> pc connections -> change connection)

3. Connect device to PC via RS232

3. Enable RS232 connection in ActiveSync on PC

4. Run /Windows/repllog.exe application


Note: Each connection (after device was disconnected), requires /Windows/repllog.exe manual execution . The change (RS232 transiver voltage is now closed by default), is because new design.

G Glenn Sobel

Any response to this question? RS232 Active Sync for the MC3190. Is it supported or not supported? As designed or SPR needed ?

E Evgene Vigoutov

i'm checking with development. It make take a while.

G Glenn Sobel

Thank you for the response.

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