HC700 - Imager misses last character

Y Yoav Gottreich 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

Customer is using imager to read labels and result is missing last character. customer is using .NET APIs for development. for Native API there is SCAN_AllocateBuffer(BOOL bText, DWORD dwSize); function which DWORD dwSize is used for the size of the concatenated data buffer in bytes. This buffer will hold the scanned barcode data. I am not able to find the parallel one for the .NET API - can you please advise? Thanks,

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1 Replies

Y Yoav Gottreich

I've found the solution. Looking at the EAN13Params Class and EAN13Params Members both 'bXmitCheckChar' & 'bAddenda2Digit'  have to be enabled to get the last character.

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