MC3190 CE 6.0 Disable Welcome Screen

K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 10 months ago
2 3 0

1.  10/12/2010 10:59 AM 2. 3 Day 3.  MC3190 CE 6.0 4.  2237107 On MC3190 there is a screen that comes up on cold boot with the Time and it says welcome until you dismiss it. Does anyone have any idea where this app is launched from? On my device it does not launch (and reflashing device does not seem to restore application directory) and on customer device they dont have any \Application\Startup folder or any .reg keys accessing symbol startup keys.

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3 Replies

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

SPR 18283

K Kenneth Ryan

Thank you Samuel and Yosi.

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Take a look at... MC3190 CE - Get rid of welcome screen that appear after any cold or warm boot - SPR 18283 However in latest BSP17 for CE6 the welcome screen is not there anymore.

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