Missing pair barcodes on LS4278 cradle

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r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
37 3 0

Hello, One of our customer is asking how to pair LS4278 scanner with a missing pair barcode on the cradle. Is there any way to create this pair barcode ? I think it should be Code128 but what is the reference info to crate it. Thanks in advance

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3 Replies

M Malcolm Flood

The best solution is the latest version of 123Scan that has a feature specifically to re-print cradle pairing barcodes...the customer can download 123scan from support central themself and then they dont have to send cradles...or email serial numbers etc...they become totally self sufficient

A Amy Pennica

If the customer wants a label printed on the cradle they will need to send the cradle into the depot. If they are okay with the pair barcode on a word document please send the serial number of the cradle to ems.support@motorola.com and we, in support, can recreate the barcode in a word document and send it to the customer. Kindest regards,

r roberto cottone

Hello Amy, Thanks. The word format OK for them and I'll tell them to send an email with serial number. As far as I know it should be Code128 but I don't know what is the formula between serial and the code itself Thanks again

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