MC7094 GPRS Connection Issues

// Expert user has replied.
A Anthony Ambler 3 years 10 months ago
4 2 0

1) 10/22/10

2) 3 days

3) MC7094

4) WM6.1 OEM 1.9.005

5) 2243684 Customer Norwegian Post has upgraded their MC7094 units from WM5 to WM6.1 and are now seeing an issue where the modem is sometimes unable to establish a GPRS connection and needs to be warm booted to connect. They have confirmed that they are using the v112708 modem firmware and RIL v1.3.1.19 on their units. I have attached 2 short RIL logs that should show the failure. Can someone please review them and advise? Please let me know if any further information is needed and thanks for your help. Tony

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2 Replies

A Anthony Ambler

Is someone able to review the RIL logs and verify why the units were not able to connect to GPRS? We believe this is provider related but we would like to have the logs checked and verified. Thanks again for your help. Tony

A Anthony Ambler

I left out another detail to this case: Another observation is that when we swap SIM cards from the PDA that fails over to a PDA that the GPRS communication is OK on, the problem follows the SIM card. This customer is using the Telenor network. Thanks, Tony

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