last mot-on-mot question

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A Afshin Mansoorieh 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

we are in a competitive engagement with cisco and aruba and I know we have a bunch of power points that have been flying around for years regarding mot-on-mot, so just as a sanity check I want to ask the question one last time: if the customer is using MC9090, WT4090, MC5090; will they gain any benefits from having a Motorola infrastructure?  all the above terminals are running Fusion 2.55.xx16R any first hand experiences you can share is greatly appreciated, thanks, afshin

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1 Replies

C Chris Matheson

Hi Afshin, check the following page on the WNS Sales Rack. Scroll down to the bottom for a few mot-on-mot links. I have seen first hand the differences between our MC9090 and VC5090 devices vs. Vocollect T5 Talkman devices with less then stellar radios and yes our devices clearly performed better, mostly in roaming when using WPA2 with AES and PEAP w/ MSCHAPv2. Vocollect had roaming issues causing "beeping" on their devices while Mot devices were fine. This was on an RFS7000 in a DC back on v1.3.2

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