STEP (Symbol Terminal Enabler Program) for PDT7546-42

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P Paulo Takahashi 3 years 10 months ago
3 4 0

Hi friends,

Sorry for this request, but does anybody have the STEP (DOS), for PDT7546/42?, or at lesat the technical manual with the protocol? I asked for the Help Desk but he doesn't have. I'll appreciated any help. Kind regards, Paulo

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4 Replies

P Paulo Takahashi

Unfortunately he doesn't have for this old device!!!! I just need the STEP to do some tests in my lab, wit the PDT7546.... Regards, Paulo

J Jack Burleson

Hi, I found the attached files in my archives.  It contains a file from 2001 claiming to be STEP for the 754x DOS terminals.  I do not know if it works or is complete but it should be a start. Also included are copies of the STEP PRG from 2004 era.  Following are the files in the .zip file I uploaded 10/20/2008  09:29 PM              PDT7500 09/14/2001  07:57 AM           104,960 PMB582.doc 01/11/2001  11:56 AM           702,393 step adendum 20147-02.pdf 08/22/2005  09:44 AM            12,671 Step CE Pricing.htm 07/29/2004  08:38 AM         1,497,197 Step PRG 2056601a.pdf 07/29/2004  08:39 AM           182,792 Step PRG adden 2030601a.pdf

\PDT7500        .. 06/27/2001  09:52 AM         1,370,854 R7540_X6.ZIP                1 File(s)      1,370,854 bytes Good Luck!

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

It might be red herrings, but I think there is an updated STEP for MC17 ( manual on Support). Beware it might be another thing with the same name :(... If what you need is just information about the protocol, you could follow this path.

C Christopher Sather

Contact Stepone systems.

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