K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 10 months ago
7 9 0

1.  10/29/2010 10:32 AM 2.  3 Day 3.  MC95 4.  2246901 I have a customer who is using the RAS API to create a RAS Entry to make a PPP Connection via a PPP Server. When they go to look at enumerated RAS Devices, they dont see Serial Cable on COM 1 on the MC95, but its on the MC7598. Is this not a supported option?  Is there a way to get this option?

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9 Replies

K Kenneth Ryan

Yosi, the setup does not work.  However, can you give me the fix as it stood anyways? I will try it with customers application.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Its all locate in SPR 18470 attachment. The main change is that we use CDC driver, so instead of open the port with serial driver (com1), we will open it with CDCShim driver (CDC1) which eventually will open COM1. So to be able to use it , some changes in customer applet are required.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Please take a look on SPR 18470, it might be similar issue. To be sure that we need to use the solution from SPR 18470, which required change in the customer SW, (CDC1 instead of COM1 and new registry entry) I need to know whats the result when trying manually to do the same as you describe.  So please try it, and let me know the reesults.

K Kenneth Ryan

Question, How do I do this manually?

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Start -> Setting -> Connections (tab) -> Connections, Under - My ISP , choose Add a new mosdem connection (or Manage existing connections , if its already exist). Select the relevant modem, etc.

K Kenneth Ryan

Hey John,
They created a RAS entry using “Hayes Compatible on COM1:” but the RasDial() function returned error 608.  This means ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.

So, that option didn’t work.

Are they out of luck?

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Ken, Few question regarding to that: 1. To what exactly the MC95 is connected to?, when trying to connect 2. Did you try it manually? how did it go? 3. Is it happened after warm boot also? Please let me know the answers

K Kenneth Ryan

Yosi, There setup is very unique.  They are trying to open a Serial Connection on COM 1 to a onboard computer that serves to establish a PPP Connection. The MC95 is in the MC95 vehicle cradle with a serial cable connection to a Digi ConnectPort X5 WWAN device. Dont ask me why they insist on using this instead of the integrated WWAN. Anyways end result is that on the MC75 and other devices this works fine when they open up Serial Connection On COM 1...but on MC95 it never works.  There is no such connection enumerated via RAS API.

r roberto cottone

These are the devices I found on MC95: Cellular Line CDCShim Driver Serial Cable on ExtUartA Native IR: Serial Cable on SER8: USB Cable: Infrared Port Bluetooth Dial-up Modem Bluetooth ActiveSync Bluetooth LAN Access Bluetooth Bluetooth device Generic IrDA Hayes Compatible on COM1: RAS VPN Line 0 RAS VPN Line 1 RAS VPN Line 2 RAS VPN Line 3 RAS VPN Line 4 L2TP Line 0 They should be able to use Hayes Compatible on COM1: The reason for the name change is probably the move from straight serial to usb->serial.

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