Is it possible to restrict access to specific webpages using Appcenter?

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C Christopher Fikert 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

Team, I have a customer that is using a web based application (not using Pocket Browser).  They are using AppCenter.  Is it possible to restrict the users to only the pages of the application (e.g. not google, yahoo, etc)?  I'm trying to use the window title restrictions, but without luck.

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1 Replies

G Glenn Sayer

My first choice would be a proxy server.  But if that is not possible then another solution to this might be to redirect access to a particular site to a different IP.

In a PC this can be done via a Hosts file and in the WM world it looks like this is done via the Reg.


Or there is some freeware that can help with this.

If this works?  I have not tested it.  This would allow you to direct all traffic to a phony site or one of your choosing.   The only thing this will not stop them from doing is typing in the IP address of Google as this will give them access to the sites.

Just a thought.

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