EMDK v2.4 and RS507 support on the MC75a

A Andrew Wood 3 years 10 months ago
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Guys - can anyone help my customer?
I need to use the DisplayBTAddressAsBarcode property.  This is documented as a member of the Symbol.Barcode.SSISpecific class.


Using VB.NET, if I try to instantate an object of this class thus:


DIM MySSISpecific as New Symbol.Barcodes.SSISpecific


I get the design time error "Symbol.Barcode.SSiSpecific.Friend Sub New() is not accessible in the context because it is 'Friend' "


But if I don't use "New" I get a run-time error because  Symbol.Barcodes.SSISpecific has not been initialised and has a value of nothing.


So how do I set the value of DisplayBTAddressAsProperty=TRUE, and which must be carried out before calling MyReader.Actions.Enable() ?  Or where do I get a pointer to an exisiting static class Symbol.Barcodes.SSISpecific ?


There are no examples that I can find in the code samples supplied with EMDK v2.4.  Please could you let me have sight of code that includes the use of DisplayBTAddressAsProperty?
Thanks Andy

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