VC5090 configurations

r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

Hello All, Is there anybody help me to define VC5090MA0QM0GH6WR code. there is no same code on SB and even configuration matrix. Especially I need to know what is the difference between H6, H7 and H8 ?? Thanks in advance

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2 Replies

J Justin Meng

Search Compass for a file called "MC-TERMINAL-CONFIG_17_SI.xls".

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz


The differences are detailed in PMB1781, I will translate it:

H6 - VC5090 was offered in 4 configurations with the old power supply (Internal DC/DC converter):




Full screen and half screen with filtered DC power cable for electric forklifts with 24V to 48V batteries.




Full screen and half screen with non-filtered DC power cable for gas or diesel forklifts with 12V battery.


H7 - A new built-in power supply (DC-DC converter) with integral filter has been developed and will replace the current built-in power supply. As a result, the DC power cable with external filter will no longer be required. In addition, the new power supply supports input voltage from 10VDC to 96VDC. Motorola will discontinue the current four configurations and will replace these with two new configurations – full screen and half screen. These new configurations can be installed on any forklift regardless of engine type or battery from 12V battery to 72V battery. Further, these new configurations can directly replace a currently installed VC5090 without the need to replace the installed power cable.

Customers who use the power cable with external filter (24-48VDC), and are planning to outfit more forklifts and want to freely swap VC5090’s between forklifts, should continue purchasing the current configuration through its end of life, or use the filtered power cable, so that the older VC5090 units can be retrofitted onto forklifts outfitted for newer VC models without the need to change the power cable. H8 - In addition to the introduction of the two new configurations, Motorola will introduce two other new configurations for full and half screens having a new display defroster for use in freezers to eliminate or evaporate external condensation when moving outside of the freezer. These new configurations also contain the new power supply with integral filter. Amnon

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