MC9590 - Pressing Key on Keyboard Sets Trigger to Released

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K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 10 months ago
5 4 0

1.  4:16 PM 12/3/2010 2.  3 Day 3.  MC9590 WM 6.1 4.  2272296 A customer of ours using using the ResCoord API.  They notice that when the press the yellow triggers the app receives Stage 2 notification.  When they still have trigger pressed and then press another key like enter, the trigger reverts to released. Is this by design?  Should a keypress cause the Trigger to go from pressed to released?

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4 Replies

H Hirokazu Haga

You should ask this question to Joel Brand since I believe he worked on MPA2.0 keyboard driver, which behaves differently than MPA1.5 driver.

H Hirokazu Haga

MC95 keyboard hardware cannot perform 2key read simultaneously due to its design. It means that you hold down the first key then press and release 2nd key, but you cannot read 2nd key. Other hardware such as MC70 can, and that is why you can do key coding. For this device, when you release 2st key while holding down 1st key, the keyboard driver may detect it as the 1st key release.

I think what you see is by design.

K Kenneth Ryan

Hiro, Thank you sir. But it looks like what I am seeing is a slight departure.  The first key is pressed, then the first key gets released and the second key gets registered when its pressed.  Never released the first key though. This is the reserve of what you say. So is this correct?

R Reginald Corpuz

Hiro, what Ken is trying to say is that on the MC95, (for example) when you press and hold the Trigger and then press Enter, the Enter key gets registered and the Trigger key gets released.   From what you say is that if I press and hold the Trigger key and press Enter, the Trigger should not be released and Enter key will not be registered.  Is this the correct procedure on all MPA 2.0?

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