MC65 BT Com8 in use by USBclient ?

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H Herbert De Jong 3 years 10 months ago
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clarify 2274862 

MC65 OEM 21 one day We have a partner develoopikng software and trying to run it on the MC65. On the test unit they define the BT printer to connect via Com8. When the software attempts to open the port, they get an error that it is not available to be opened. When they do the same thing on the ES400 or other WM devices, it works fine. Have you heard of any BT issues affecting comm. Ports on the MC65 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Serial\Ports:SupportedPorts  has COM8 listed as a supported comport. Found out that on MC65 by default COM8; is assigned to USBFN_1_0   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Active\119:Key  \Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\Serial_Class HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Active\119:Name COM 8: can this be changed somehow to allow  COM8 to be used with BT

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1 Replies

D David Meyer

No, COM8 cannot be changed, so you must use a different com port for BT on this device.  Also, most Motorola MCs can't use COM 8 for BT anyway, because COM 8 is in use on those products as well.

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