Field Alert : In certain scenarios a Playstation 3 client under a PMP 320 CPE in layer 3 mode does not communicate with other...

C Corey Townsend 3 years 10 months ago
2 0 0

MODEL / SYSTEM AFFECTED: PMP 320 APs and PMP 320 CPEs operating in layer 3 NAT mode are affected. PMP 320 APs and PMP 320 CPEs operating in layer 2 bridge mode are not affected.

SYMPTOMS: When an invite to join an online multiplayer game is originated from a Playstation 3 situated below a PMP 320 CPE operating only in layer 3 mode, the invite is not successful and therefore the game does not commence. However, if the invite originates from a Playstation 3 user that is situated above a PMP 320 AP and the invite is targeted for a Playstation 3 user below a PMP 320 CPE the invite is successful.

Symptom cases based on the diagram in attachment below:

Case 1) Playstation 3-2 sends an invite to Playstation 3-1. Playstation 3-1 accepts the request and the connection is established between the Playstations

Case 2) Playstation 3-1 sends an invite to Playstation 3-2. Playstation 3-2 accepts the request but the connection is not established between the Playstations

RESOLUTION/WORKAROUND: The following workaround is applicable to any Playstation 3 situated below a PMP 320 CPE:

1) On the Playstation 3 disable Media Server under the Network Connection menu 2) On the PMP 320 CPE DHCP Server create a static IP reservation for the Playstation 3 3) Verify that DMZ on the PMP 320 CPE is enabled and that the DMZ IP is the same as the Playstation 3's IP 4) Reboot the PMP 320 CPE 5) Once the PMP 320 CPE has completed reboot and has successfully registered, reset the internet connection on the Playstation 3 under the Network Settings > Internet Connection and Test menu 6) After the Playstation 3 gets its IP from the PMP 320 CPE the unit is ready to join/host games

Note: If the PMP 320 CPE de-registers, reboots, or if settings are changed, the network connection on the Playstation 3 should be reset via the Playstation 3 user interface under the Network Settings > Internet Connection and Test menu. See attachment for the diagram.

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