MC75A - new BSP37 release - Airbeam file corrupt - DO NOT USE

T Thomas Cassar 3 years 10 months ago
2 0 0

We have found that the following Airbeam files that were posted to Support Central were found to be corrupt.  If you or a customer of yours has downloaded the following files, please discard them and DO NOT USE.  If they are used, they will cause the terminal to become inoperable and will require the terminal to be sent in to service to recover. From MC75A0 BSP37 page: 75A0w65HenAB023701.APF From MC75A6 BSP37 page: 75A6w65HenAB023701.APF From MC75A8 BSP37 page: 75A8w65HenAB023701.APF We are working right now on removing these files from Support Central and they will be replaced soon with the corrected files. There is no issue with the Update Loader packages or the two step Airbeam packages.

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