ES400: Wireless adapter name

// Expert user has replied.
S Samuel Garcia Blanco 3 years 10 months ago
2 3 0

1) 07/02/2010

2) 1day

3) ES400

4) BSP 19.01

5) 2312363 A customer developed an application using the windows mobile power manager capabilities that in MPA terminals was able to turn ON/OFF the wifi using the adapter name "WLP1" Which is the equivalent name in ES400? Looking at the registry my gut feeling says "FCD1" but I would like somebody from ECRT to confirm it. Thanks a lot! Best Regards,

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3 Replies

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Dave, Thanks for your answer. I'm aware that Fusion API is the supported method and I already had this argument with the customer. They agreed on moving slowly to the EMDK approach but right now they need a quick solution for their already developed application. They are in a hurry and they cannot rewrite the application right now so I agreed to let them know the adapter name and they are aware that they won't receive further support on their application till it is fully rewritten using EMDK. I hope you still can let me know the adapter name. Best Regards,

D David Meyer

I'm not sure that there is a method similar to the old method here, as the framework is different.

D David Meyer

The correct and supported way to power manage WLAN is via the Fusion API. Dave

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