MC3190 PB3.0.6

J Jorge dos Santos 3 years 10 months ago
4 4 0

Hello, my costumer is allrady using the MC3090 with PB 2.2 and everything is fine with this combination. Now we orderd MC3190 wit PB3.0 and have a lot of Problems to implement them in the existing environment. It seems to work until I try to license the PocketBrowser. After that the unit hang-up. Did you have a solution for that issue?

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4 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi, PB3 and PB2.2 use different license keys so you'll need a new key to license version 3.  See the 'Licensing Restrictions' section of for a table of versions and license types.

J Jorge dos Santos

Hi Darryn, of course I know this, I´ve ordered licenses for PB 3.0... PB2.2 with licenses for 2.2 and WinCE5.0 (MC3090) work well, also PB3.0 (with the license) work on the MC3090 (CE5.0), but the MC3190 (CE6.1) and PB3.0 works until I add the license, then the unit hangs-up... Jorge

M Michal Keracik

Hi, just for info. Are you try to license it via internet or directly?

J Jorge dos Santos

Hello, I activate the license via web and download the reg-key. after that I copy the reg-key to the MC3190 /application and restart the unit.... but I also try to scan the barcodes that I can download... with both procedures no success Jorge

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