MT2070 RawData via bluetooth

H Henk Luijmes 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0


We are trying to receive RAWdata on MT2070 via a bluetooth SPP connection. We modified sample code VB_MT2000_SCAN_ITEM to support ReadRawDataEventDelegate and other belonging routines.

ReadRawDataEvent does fire, however with a resultcode: -10 :E_INCORRECT_MODE The API session does not have the required decode permissions.

The host-application does send via SPP. Logging in our BT-access point shows that info is indeed transmitted to MT2070. Is there some setting that we must adjust to get this done? (RawHostParameters is supporting Bluetooth??)

Device configurerd as SPP slave. Scanned barcodes arrive at host; so connection is working.

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1 Replies

H Hans-Peter Hoderlein

To use SendRawData or ReadRawData you have to switch to RawMode. Have a look at the ScanInventory sample, method Public Sub Main() of module Program (source Program.vb) to see how to retrieve the current mode and change to Raw. I think the sample is wrong, if not already in raw mode it doesn't switch to raw mode. But at least it shows how to call the methods in question. To retrieve current mode: ScannerServicesClient.GetAttributeByte(CUShort(ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER.ATT_MIA_HOSTNUM), Program.previousHostMode) To set raw mode: ScannerServicesClient.SetAttributeByte(CUShort(ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER.ATT_MIA_HOSTNUM), CByte(ENUM_HOSTS.HOST_RAW))

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