ML-2452-PTA2M3X3 vs ML-2452-PTA3M3-036

Y Yoshihiro Sato 3 years 10 months ago
3 0 0



Based on the antenna guide, ML-2452-PTA2MmX3 and ML-2452-PTA3M3-036 are same for Azimuth and Elevation.

(Both are the patch antennas.)

Regarding to the gain, ML-2452-PTA3M3-036 is higher for 5GHz.

In addition, we need 2 x ML-2452-PTA3M3-036 for dual radio use.

Cost is higher for ML-2452-PTA3M3-036.


On the other hand, ML-2452-PTA3M3 has the flexibility from the mounting point of view.


Do you have another major difference between these antennas?

Your any input would be greatly appreciated if you have some experience. Thanks in advance

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