VC6096 Downgrading OS wm65 to 61

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G Glenn Sobel 3 years 10 months ago
5 6 0

Date 2/23/2011 Product vc6096 Os WM 65 to WM 61 Case 2309319 I have customer - Costco. They state that a while ago, prior to their rollout of VC6096's, that it was not necessary to use the downgrade OS package from wm65 to wm 61. They state that they have 100 devices in field are operational; Some devices was shipped with WM61, some with WM65. They stated they just loaded OS BSP 8.35 (WM 61) over the top of the wm65 OS. Customer is working with a device in their lab and they had trouble reflashing it after the BSP 8.35 was loaded on it; process fails every time.  At this point, they are unable to reflash or clean boot regardless of method. Unknown of the process they were performing, a replacement vc6096 was sent to the customer and he did the same thing of loading the BSP8.35 over the wm65 OS and now he is not able to reflash or clean boot the device... I am assuming that we don't distribute downgrade packages for the fun of it and that it is required. Can I get confirmation that it is not recommended to just load wm61 over the top of wm65,  I need to explain to the customer  what the downgrade process does that make it essential. I need to explain that he was mislead to believe it wasn't necessary and the implications of not downgrading the OS prior to loading wm61 over the top of wm65 OS.

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6 Replies

T Thomas Cassar

Please open SPR.

T Thomas Cassar

Please call out the reproduction steps with the exact names of all the upgrade/downgrade/UpdateLoader packages.

G Glenn Sobel

Thanks for the response. Customer was sent a new device that came with wm65 installed. Customer stated he only loaded the wm61 osupdate file over the top of the wm65 device. The process was successful. After that process was completed.. he stated he tried to do a clean boot from the sd card and from the temp folder to no avail. He tried to reflash same OS version 8.35 to no avail. I do not have a device that was shipped with wm65. I took my device and upgraded it to bsp 9.38 then i loaded on top of it 8.35 , the process was successful. I then tried to reload the same os 8.35 to no avail. I duplicated customer's issue

D David Meyer

The downgrade and upgrade packages are required for downgrade and upgrade respectively (between 6.1/6.5 on MPA 1.5 devices).  This was due to a change in the partition table that was needed.  When you don't do this, a device that was shipped with WM 6.5 has the partition table for WM 6.5. It is possible that when loading WM 6.1 without the partition table that the system does not know the correct location to load certain parts of the image, and is leading to their issue on a subsequent OS load. Dave

T Thomas Cassar

Engineering response below:

User can not upgrade from WM6.1 to WM6.5 using standard update loader. They must use the WM6.5 upgrade package because of the partition table change.

But WM6.1 Downgrade package is not required for downgrading from WM6.5 to WM6.1.  I tried downgrading WM6.5 device to WM6.1 using standard update loader. It worked.

Tried downgrading WM6.5 terminal with WM6.1 downgrade package. It also worked.

We need to get the exact reproduction steps that the customer followed to downgrade to WM6.1 from WM6.5.

Note: In order to support WM 6.5 COM3 OS, the OS partition size has been increased by 16MB and Application partition is reduced to 32MB from 64MB. This change causes an increase in the Persistent store by 16MB.

If we flash a WM6.1 image on WM6.5 device using standard update loader method, the device will retain the WM6.5 partition layout. If we need to regain the 32MB space for the Application partition, we must “downgrade” the WM6.5 device to WM6.1/WM6.0 using the “Downgrade package”.

 Therefore if they are seeing an issue a case should be opened and attempt to reproduce what the customer is seeing or get samples of their devices to repro.

H Herbert De Jong

Tom, Here in Brno together depot we are investigating couple cases were customers downgraded  MC55 or MC75 from WM 6.5 to WM 6.1 with the normal package. And that looks to be ok,  Untill you try to reflash or localize on that downgraded unit, another WM 6.1 OS package. then there seems to be a check inside the Monitor from WM 6.1 which prevents to load the OS package on the devices if it has still the PT2  from  6.5 package. think that is the same problem as stated on VC6096

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