Do you want to be a guinea pig?

R Robert Galvin 3 years 10 months ago
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Do you use an ES400 or MC65 regularly? Do you have the stomach to use very early pre-release software? Are you willing to report issues and confirm fixes? If you answered yes to all of the above questions, then you may be interested in being part of the "Dog Food" team and testing the "A1" release. This release is the next major software release for the ES400/MC65 slated to be Rev A this summer, however there are builds ready now that need testing. You must agree not to show or discuss this release outside of Motorola as well as be very proactive in testing and reporting issues. The whole point is to raise the quality of the software release by ironing out the kinks in the next couple of months. It is not intended for any sales activities in anyway. So if you are only curious on what's new then this program is not for you. If you are still interested, then please complete the form found in the following link: The team will review your submission and contact you shortly thereafter. Thanks Rob Galvin

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