FTP with ES400S

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M Mark Johnson 3 years 10 months ago
7 3 0

Does the ES400S support accessing an FTP server through the browser on the ES400S? Is there a specific device setting to enable this functionality or does this require a specific setting on the Sprint network with how the device is enabled to access data?

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3 Replies

A Allan Herrod

I am not using a SPRINT-specific ES400, I am using the GPRS version over the AT&T network.  But I am going accessing it via WWAN.  Note, however, that when going over WWAN, the FTP Server must be accessible via the Internet, which the one I was using was.  If the FTP Server is inside an enterprise, it needs to be in the DMZ and opened to access from the internet or it won't work.

A Allan Herrod

I had success on the ES400 accessing an FTP Server from IE by using a URL of the form: ftp://user:password@server For example: ftp://me:secret@ Be aware that IE will only READ files from an FTP Server.

M Mark Johnson

Allan - Are you using a Sprint specific ES400 and did you access the server over Sprint's WAN? the individual I am communicating with had no issue accessing the FTP server over WIFI, however the problem he was getting was when trying to access via Sprint's network. Thanks. Mark

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