customer got following messages in a log and interesting what is this inactivity timeout value is and is there any way to change it (increase) %CC-6-STATIONUNASSOC: Station 00-15-70-86-7B-90 un-associated from radio 17 wlan 1 : inactivity timer expired (reason code 4)
station inactivity timer (RFS6000) |
1 Replies
Hi Michael, this is a very normal WLAN behaviour. There are some functionalities in a WLAN, where the Controller / AP will act on behalf of the MU, e.g. Proxy ARP. It may now happen that a MU will not disconnect the WLAN itself, e.g. removing the battery out of the MU. Now the Contoller / AP has to do some "housekeeping" after some time. This means a MU will be removed from the internal MU table after the inactivity timeout is reached. In that case you will see the log message with reason code 4. You may change the timeout on a per WLAN basis, see screenshot attached. Best regards, Angelo