Hi, Need one clarification. If I have policy with following condition to check the existing version of package before installing new version.
[userAttribute.siteID] = 'Riyadh_RC' AND [inventory.gv-prj_ft_ry_rc_110122] '4.18.2'
and package gv-prj_ft_ry_rc_110122 does not exist in mobile computer will MSP install the package.
Thanks & Regards Abdul Hamid
1 Replies
Yes, it should. An Inventory Device Attribute works pretty much like any other Device Attribute. It will have a value which is the version of the Package if a Package of that name is present in the device and no value otherwise. When a Rule references a Device Attribute for which NO VALUE exists for a device, then if the operator is numeric (=), then the NO VALUE will be interpreted as ZERO. When a Rule references a Device Attribute for which NO VALUE exists for a device, then if the operator is non-numeric (everything else), then the NO VALUE will be interpreted as an empty string "". Your Rule checks to see if the Device Attribute is NOT EQUAL to a specific version value. That will be TRUE whenever the Device Attribute has NO VALUE, since the specific version is NOT EQUAL to an empty string.