MC3090 CE5 - eMscript log analysis request

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C Charles Malm 3 years 10 months ago
5 3 0

I received the attached logs from IBM but was not able to make heads or tails of what is going on. IBM states the memory usage of these devices steadily increases. I observed that gwes and device.exe footprints were increasing. I also have attached a second capture which shows the end result of gwes being in DLL Crunch.  Below is some information from the customer. I'd really appreciate some help on this. --
1. This memory leak started at what point?  New Pocket Browser or New MSP installation.

     We have not updated pocket browser yet.  The problem was first brought to our attention by our users approximately 2 weeks after we finished converting all devices to MSP 3.3.1.  That is why we think it is related to the conversion.

2. Is the leak occurring only on the MC3090?

     We only use the MC3090.

3. Has there been any other applications added to the device?

      Prior to the MSP 3.3.1 conversion we had converted the device to BSP35.  This work was completed in June 2010.

      With MSP 3.3.1 we have installed the remote control module, the data collection modules,

4. Do we have emscript logs, including the memory captures at or near the point the device has frozen?

   We had some problems getting the correct version of emscript.  The first couple attempts were versions that did not log memory data.  The device boots up at approximately 40%.  I sent Charles some logs today from a device that was at 70%.  I also sent the logs from one device that was over 90%, but the device was high when I started so you guys didn't have a lot of historical data. --

   The problem is the increasing memory load so yes.  It should not be steadily climbing to the point of making the device inoperable.  The users don't report noticeable symptoms in terms of performance until we get up in the area of 90% or higher.  So at 70% we are not aware of the operators seeing a problem, but the fact that it gets that high and continues to climb is a problem.

I mentioned this early on, but since you are newer to this case I'll point out that this problem is nearly identical to a ticket we closed with Motorola in 2008.  That case # was 1674468.  Obviously it doesn't mean that the cause is the same, but it might provide some useful info.
  It is a steady growth from ~40% after reboot to basically full consumption of all available memory on the device.  The growth rate appears to be steady regardless of device.  So if we could boot it today (which I have done) and no one else boots the device the memory load should be in the high 90's sometime around March 25th.  Basically it increases around .18% to .20% per hour or roughly 5% a day.  Hopefully we don't need to wait until it reaches the high 90s to see what is causing the problem.

So on that note, when would you like more data from the emscript dir and do you want just the memmap directory or do you want more of the data?

Device S0010X15 was rebooted and came back up at approx 48% memory load.

Here are the mem maps prior to cold boot of the device.  Not sure if they will be of any use to you or not, but I figured I would include them.

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3 Replies

D David Meyer

Hi Charlie, We did not forget about this.  We are trying to find a resource who can spend some time looking into this.  Can you please provide more snapshots (the snapshots include memory maps, so you don't need both -- I think newer versions of emScript only contain snapshots).  We need snapshots from when there was a lower memory load, and then when there was a higher memory load to compare and see what was really growing.  A number of snapshots in between is sometimes helpful as well, so the whole snapshot folder is probably needed. Dave

M Mahesh Vittal Rao



Further to our Analysis of the logs a quick discussion with MSP team what we understand is


The Data Collection module (MotorolaDC) version that was released with MSP 3.3.1 (which the customer is currently using) has a known issue that causes memory leaks on devices during prolonged use of MotorolaDC.


A new version of Motorola DC (version resolves the memory leak issue.


Its archived at…


C Charles Malm

I received additional logs from IBM today.

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