limit reading range

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J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

Hi team,


Our customer wants to reduce the reading range of MC9090RFID to 20cm. We tested tuning RFID2's RxPower and TxPower index. The best result that we got was to limit the range to 50cm while we set both of those two parameters to minimum values, and MC9090 can still read tags outside that 50cm wide area from time to time. Metal grid has also been tested but the result was not good enough too.


Is there anything else that can reduce the range besides changing tags?


Thank you!


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1 Replies

J Jun-Hua Liu

Our customer found that RFID Demo Application comes with MC9090 could limit the reading range better than their own application. Anyone knows whether that embedded demo uses RFID2 or RFID3? If it is RFID3, we can advise them turn to the new API, otherwise, it will be difficult to explain why they cannot achieve that by using the same API.


The sample RFID source codes come with EMDK are very simple. Maybe someone can share a section of the codes that RFID Demo Application uses to modify the output / input power setting (RD PWR A0, WR PWR A0)? Thank you! Junhua

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